Maintain and Care for Glass in your Home

The glass in your house is one of the most important features – directly impacting the aesthetic and overall liveability of a home. Therefore it is critical to keep the glass in your home clean, protected and handled with care. Here are some great tips for you to ensure your glass at home is sparkling for years to come.
1. Glass Protection
During any home construction or DIY, it is recommended that glass is protected from any contamination caused by building materials and methods used during construction. Construction dust, leachate from concrete and rusting from steel can contribute to the formation of mild chemicals which can stain or damage glass.
2. Safe glass handling
If glass gets damaged or broken during any home DIY or construction, ensure that experienced glaziers are engaged to rectify the situation. Glass can be a safety hazard if not handled properly.
3. Appropriate cleaning tools
Glass should be cleaned using only cleaning materials which are free of grit and debris (to avoid scratching and marking).
4. Appropriate cleaning materials
When cleaning glass only use detergents and cleaning solutions that are recommended specifically for glass cleaning. Mild detergents are preferable.
5. Avoid corrosive cleaners
When cleaning glass do not use cleaners which contain Hydrofluoric or Phosphoric acid as they are corrosive to the glass surface.
6. Avoid harsh cleaners
Do not use any abrasive cleaners, powder based cleaners, scouring pads or other harsh materials to clean windows or other glass products.
7. Avoid tapes or adhesives
Avoid using any tapes or adhesives on glass as they can sometimes stain or damage glass surfaces (unless they are known to be easily removed).
8. Careful cleaning method
When cleaning do not allow cleaning solutions to contact the edges of Laminated glass, Insulating Glass Units or Mirrors.
9. Avoid cleaning in direct sunlight
Do not clean the glass when the glass is hot or in direct sunlight.
10. Avoid thermal fracture
Avoid causing extreme temperature changes to the glass as this may lead to thermal fracture of the glass, i.e. do not splash hot water on cold glass or freezing water on hot glass.
Source: – Published May 2015
Disclaimer: The information provided in this document is current at the time of publication. It is intended as a general guide only and we recommend that you undertake your own investigations when specifying windows and glass products to ensure they comply with all relevant regulations and are fit for purpose.